Emergency medical systems and its development prospects in Georgia

Aleksi Baratashvili, Nata Kazakhashvili, Lasha Loria


Providing primary medical care plays an important role in the healthcare system, as it is one of the main postulates of the entire ring. The relevance of the issue lies in the fact that its entire essence is important for almost all countries of the world. Each state is trying to change and improve emergency medical care and primary health care. In addition, the role of emergency medical care has increased due to the events that have developed in the world in the last twenty years, especially during a pandemic, emergency care was the most important way to save life. Emergency medical care must respond to global challenges in a variety of ways. For example, one of them must be imitating the economies of developed countries and transferring resources. International organizations should be associated with a kind of mesh ring, and this will definitely improve the validity of medical care. We can safely say that if it works, the rest of the system works well. Although the current issue has often become a subject of controversy, there is still much to talk about it, so in the research of this field, it is necessary to consider several scientific sources that will allow us to reason. Emergency medical aid manuals are an invaluable resource that offers comprehensive guidance to healthcare professionals, and not just them. They facilitate the acquisition of essential skills and knowledge required to respond effectively to a wide range of emergency situations. Finally, according to the guidelines reviewed, effective communication and coordinated teamwork are essential during emergency medical care. The emergency aid framework of Georgia is formed by the coordinated efforts of the state and local authorities. The Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency plays a central role in coordinating emergency response, ensuring efficient allocation of resources, and facilitating communication between various stakeholders. This article aims to review some of the key findings regarding Ambulance (EMS) in the world, situation in Georgia, legislation, statistics, also ways for development.

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