Historical overviews of thyroidology in Georgia

Julieta Nino Gulua, Maia Khubua, Lela Shengelia MD., MPH,., PHD



Background: Thyroid gland diseases are a topical medical and social problem of modern society. Thyroid gland disorders are the second most prevalent disease among endocrine abnormalities after diabetes mellitus globally. Development of thyroidology was influenced by different civilizations. The description of thyroid gland diseases in historical sources is an illustration of the tight connection between basic and clinical sciences. Thyroidology is one of the very crucial fields of modern endocrinology and it is also well-developed in Georgia.

Aim: to study the history of the development of thyroidology in Georgia. 

Methods: Desk research is conducted to review the empirical evidence on the development of thyroidology in Georgia, to identify the main drivers and key actors of the process and analyze their roles in the development of thyroidology in Georgia. The search for relevant publications with the above-mentioned keywords is conducted in the following databases: PubMed, ScienceDirect, Medline, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and Google Scholar. Literature is searched in January-September 2022. The language of publications is limited to English, Georgian, and Russian.

Results: Evidence-based publications about the development of thyroidology in Georgia were /.,m

Conclusions: Georgia is situated in cross broader of many countries. The development of medicine in Georgia was influenced by the different cultures and civilizations.  At the same time, the development of thyroidology in Georgia is also affected by the local factors and health needs of the local population.


Keywords: Thyroid gland, Georgia, Thyroidology, goiter, Qiqvi, Iodized salt,


Thyroid gland, Georgia, Thyroidology, goiter, Qiqvi, Iodized salt,

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