RAC1 GTP-ase is important for myogenesis and stem cell distribution

David Aphkhazava, Zanda Bedinashvili, Ketevan Chakhnashvili, Nana Goishvili, Mikheil Jangavadze, Maia Nozadze


Rac1 is a small G-protein that plays a crucial role in regulating actin dynamics, influencing plasma membrane protrusion, and modulating vesicle traffic.  Using conditional knockout mice our study establishes, that Rac1 is important for muscle stem cell distribution. We show that Rac1-lacking mice in muscle cells have fewer Pax7-positive stem cells. Comparative analysis of changes in mutant myogenic cells reveals that Rac1 is a non-redundant and partially distinct manner throughout the fusion process.  

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ISSN: 2346-8491 (online)