Thyroid cancer incidence in women according to the cancer population registry in Georgia

Julieta Nino Gulua, Maia Khubua, lela Shengelia



Thyroid cancer is the most prevalent malignant tumor within the endocrine system, accounting for 3%-4% of all cancer cases worldwide. A sharp increase in thyroid cancer cases has been observed, particularly after countries implemented population-based cancer registries that systematically collect standardized data on malignant diseases. In Georgia, the cancer registry was launched in 2015, addressing existing gaps in cancer data. This study aims to analyze secondary data from Georgia's population-based cancer registry concerning thyroid cancer.

All variables in the cancer registry were analyzed, and correlations of interest were identified. Descriptive analysis was performed on both independent and dependent variables, with calculations of mean values, standard deviations, and confidence intervals. The relationships between independent variables (such as age, ethnicity, and location—region, city, or village) and dependent variables were assessed using SPSS 21 for data analysis.

This study primarily aims to examine trends in thyroid cancer incidence and conduct a secondary analysis of thyroid cancer data from Georgia’s registry. The study reviewed thyroid cancer prevalence trends among women and analyzed registry data for thyroid cancer cases reported in 2021, 2022, and 2023. According to the National Cancer Registry, the most frequent cancers among women include breast, thyroid, colorectal, uterine, and ovarian cancers. Data from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) indicate that Georgia’s thyroid cancer incidence is unexpectedly high, surpassing rates in neighboring countries and the European Union.

Data suggest a gender disparity in thyroid cancer prevalence, with a male-to-female ratio of roughly 1:3.3 globally, while in Georgia, it stands at 1:6. Experts suggest that the observed rise in thyroid cancer cannot be fully explained by advancements in diagnostic practices. This rise likely involves both improved detection and an actual increase in cases potentially linked to unidentified environmental carcinogens specific to thyroid cancer, though their identification remains elusive. If increased detection were the sole factor, incidence rates would rise evenly across all demographics, which is not the observed trend in thyroid cancer, where incidence varies by gender and age group. As a result, the elevated prevalence of thyroid cancer in Georgia demands focused attention from both national and international experts and merits further study.


Thyroid Cancer, Georgia,Cancer Population Registry

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