
Issue Title
Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Translational and Clinical Medicine - Georgian Medical Journal Historical overviews of thyroidology in Georgia Abstract  PDF
Julieta Nino Gulua, Maia Khubua, Lela Shengelia MD., MPH,., PHD
Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Translational and Clinical Medicine - Georgian Medical Journal The Significant gap between new HIV infections and new diagnoses in the Eastern European country of Georgia Abstract  PDF
Nikoloz Chkhartishvili, Natia Dvali, Marine Karchava, Manana Ghvaberidze, Tamar Tchelidze, Tengiz Tsertsvadze
Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Translational and Clinical Medicine - Georgian Medical Journal Uptake and outcomes of generic dolutegravir based antiretroviral therapy in Georgia Abstract  PDF
Nikoloz Chkhartishvili, Nino Rukhadze, Lali Sharavdze, Pati Gabuni, Natalia Bolokadze, Nati Dvali, Otar Chokoshvili, Tengiz Tsertsvadze
Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Translational and Clinical Medicine - Georgian Medical Journal Unnecessary religious lockout: Comprehensive statistical results of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Christian Orthodox countries in Easter 2020. Abstract  PDF
John D Pappas
Vol 9, No 2 (2024): Translational and Clinical Medicine - Georgian Medical Journal Thyroid cancer incidence in women according to the cancer population registry in Georgia Abstract  PDF
Julieta Nino Gulua, Maia Khubua, lela Shengelia
Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Translational and Clinical Medicine - Georgian Medical Journal Identifying barriers and contradictions in laws affecting pain management in Georgia Abstract  PDF
Pati Dzotsenidze, Ioseb Abesadze, Martha A. Maurer, Nino Chikhladze, Dimitri Kordzaia, Maka Jorbenadze, Aaron M. Gilson
Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Translational and Clinical Medicine - Georgian Medical Journal Long-term adherence to antiretroviral therapy in Georgia Abstract  PDF
Nikoloz Chkhartishvili, Akaki Abutidze, Natia Dvali, Russell Kempker, Tengiz Tsertsvadze
Vol 1, No 2 (2016): Translational and Clinical Medicine - Georgian Medical Journal 7th South East European Medical Forum Abstract  PDF
Editorial Board Editorial Board
Vol 8, No 2 (2023): Translational and Clinical Medicine Age-specific prevalence of Human Papillomavirus type 16/18 infections, abnormal cytology and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia among screened women in Tbilisi Abstract  PDF
Eter Kiguradze, Tamar Skhirtladze, Nikoloz Chkhartishvili, Tamuna Gogoladze, Nino Chikhladze, Tamar Alibegashvili
1 - 9 of 9 Items

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