The cyclization mechanism of glucose

Luka Iremashvili


Background:  According to scientific literature, when an aldose cyclizes, the hydroxyl group on the second to last carbon undergoes an intramolecular reaction with the carbonyl group of the aldehyde. The product resulting from aldose cyclization is a hemiacetal. 

Aim: The goal of my research is to determine the open-chain glucose cyclization process.

Methods: I investigated how the open-chained glucose molecules behave in non-water solutions. I have resorted to quantum mechanics to decipher the nature of both water and the aldohexose.

Results: On the basis of the hydronium ions formation, the nature of water molecules has been brought to my attention and I have concluded that water does not participate in the cyclization only as a solvent, during the open-chain form glucose cyclization process the hydronium ions can play the role of protons conveyors brilliantly.

Conclusions: Glucose cyclizes intermolecularly between water molecules instead of intramolecularly.

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ISSN: 2346-8491 (online)